1460 Days Left


The mandate was to make a poster representing a social issue in today's society using typography, imagery and/or vectors. Issues like Social anxiety developed during Covid-19, Animal testing, sexual assaults and global warming were being explained to us and we had to chose the one we wanted to represent.

Bees poster with 1460 bees laid yellow and black  to write 1460


Brainstorms, researches, sketches, semi-comps and colors tests we're used to bring this poster to life. After making 1460 bees for this poster, they were all aligned and some color tests were done to test which one would convey the information better.

Closeup of the bees on the poster to show details


The final poster is based on a sentence said by Albert Einstein to show the importance of the bees for mankind: If bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live. I wanted to demonstrate how few days that is by having 1 bee per days left on the poster, resulting in 1460 bees all together. 4 years can seem like enough time to figure out a solution but when displayed in days it looks a bit smaller. The black and yellow colors were chosen to represent bees. I chose to put small bees to make the poster interesting from far and make us want to come closer to read what the poster is about and then seeing that all the dots were indeed bees.

POster on a yellow background wall
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Laurianebeliveau 2021